Who We Are
Spirit Acoustics, Inc. is a custom tack board and desk-top divider company that has been in the business since 2001. We offer desktop dividers, tack boards, and wall panels for any application with custom sizing and infinite fabric possibilities. Almost everything we do is built to order and we are dedicated to finding the correct tack board or divider for any need. Please see some of our products below as well as on the toolbar and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or requests for pricing.
Our Values

All tackables are built to meet your design needs, our fine attention to detail shows.
9 out of 10 Spirit Projects are from repeat customers. Specifications and dead lines are entrusted to us because we meet them.
Jerry Morgan

The experts at Spirit are eager to help with:
Tack Board Design
Desktop Dividers Design
Options *
*wire ways *thickness *substrate * sizes *mounting *COM *fabrics, *corks
Contact us with any and all questions.
Due to the custom nature of our business, Spirit has devised and developed many solutions based on our customer’s needs and input for a desired product.